martedì 25 ottobre 2011

"Appeso ad un Sogno"

Così, appeso a ricordi meravigliosi.
Poi quando parliamo
a volte riaffiorano ricordi
che ricordano il dolore.
È come essere un bambino
che ad un tratto ripensa di essersi scottato
un giorno.
Dura un attimo.
Poi torno a guardare affascinato le fiamme
a sentirne il calore
rimanendone incantato dalla bellezza dei colori
e del loro sensuale oscillare morbidamente.
Prevalgono l’attrazione ed il fascino
che ti rendono Sogno e Dea.
Tu che sei fiamma
e che sai farmi volare.
Tu che sei irrinunciabile e perfetta ai miei occhi
anche se la mente ed alcuni ricordi sanno,
conoscono e non dimenticano il dolore
questo sembra ad un tratto accettabile.
Sembra nulla in confronto a tutta la vita che sei.
Sei fiamma, luce, calore,
sei pace, sei amore.
Sei tutto quello di cui un uomo ha bisogno.
Sei la donna che ogni uomo dovrebbe avere al proprio fianco.
Sei la vita che ogni uomo dovrebbe vivere
per riuscire ad essere un uomo migliore.
Lo sono stato io e quando ti ho persa
mi sono perso.
Da allora vivo così, appeso.
I miei piedi pesanti appoggiati saldamente al terreno
Le ali che avevo sono ad un tratto sparite
e sembro aver dimenticato come volare.
Mi sembra impossibile volare.
Sognare è solo un ricordo lontano
e l’unico sogno è quello di avere un sogno.
Vivo solo nei ricordi ed avanzo per inerzia.
Io mi sono fermato, mi sono seduto.
Non vivo, sopravvivo
in attesa di un sogno che forse non arriverà mai
o forse sì
ma che per ora è solo una speranza.
Speranza che un giorno
la fiamma torni a danzare,
il calore si faccia sentire
i colori mi illuminino gli occhi
e torni la voglia di avvicinarsi al fuoco
senza paura di scottarsi
ma con la voglia di arrivarci vicino,
il più possibile vicino.
Dove la fiamma è viva
e la vita è vita.

venerdì 14 ottobre 2011

“To a wonderful Person”

How are you today?
I hope you don't feel too sad
and that you can relax
and think of nothing for a while.
I think of you... always.
It doesn't matter if I am working,
at home or somewhere else.
You are just always on my mind,
you are a part of me
and there is a place in my heart
that is only yours.
It is a place that you have created
in the moment that you have looked at me
the very first time and,
since this moment,
you have always been with me.
I was often sad
because I didn't eared anything about you...
I could often not understand you and your reasons...
I was sometimes angry
because there was no reaction from you
to my calls and my messages but...
I was not angry with you...
I was angry with the distance between us.
I was angry not to be there near you
to hold you in my arms,
to look into your eyes and understand,
without words,
your feeling.
I hated to be far away from you.
I understand that often you are sad
and don't want have contact with nobody,
just close yourself in your thoughts
and in your problems,
But it isn't good.
There is always a way to be happy,
even when we can see no one
and we cannot even imagine it.
To be alone doesn't help.
To speak with someone who loves you
and cares for you is the right way to go.
You don't need to do or to be anything...
you just have to leave someone love you.
Love is everything
and can open doors we cannot imagine.
Love is everywhere around us,
we just need to leave it arrive
in our hearts and our minds.
Smile, even if you are suffering...
look into your eyes in the mirror
and look for yourself.
You are there inside.
You are Life, you are Love,
you are everything what you need to be happy.
Be yourself,
believe in yourself and smile to the life...
even when life doesn't smile to you.
You have the power to change the things...
The world cannot help you
and will never do it.
The world just hold his hands on you
when it sees that you can bring him forward with you,
when you are pushing and able to fly
the world tries to hold himself tight on you
to be brought higher.
the world tries to stop and to hold everybody
to the same low level that he can,
on his same level or lower...
just to feel better than others.
You don't need the world,
you have everything what you need,
you are everything what you need.
You are Life and Love,
you can everything what you want...
You can be everything what you want to...
You just need not to forget it.
You are Love
and every time you are down
or you have the feeling that it is not strong enough...
Remember... You have me.
I will warm you with my Love, always.
I will put my fire on your fire,
when ever you need.